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Ryu's Tech

[CCNP Switch] LACP Sim

I found this exhibit in Test1Pass.
This scenario is similar to real exam. but not same. i'm not a robot, so i can't remember whole scenario...sorry :)

but there are Requirements for SwitchA, SwitchB, and Trunk. therefore it will be easier,maybe....

beginning with "///" is comment and description
beginning with "---" is my configuration

Requirements for SW-A

1. Make vlans and allocate vlans to interface correctly.
   and access ports supporting servers must transition immediately to forwarding state.
/// it means portfast
--- SW-A(config)# vlan 21
--- SW-A(config)# vlan 22
--- SW-A(config)# vlan 23
--- SW-A(config)# int ra fa0/9 - 10
--- SW-A(config-if-range)# switchport mode access
--- SW-A(config-if-range)# switchport access vlan 21
--- SW-A(config-if-range)# spanning-tree portfast

...do same at vlan22,23 <omitted>

2. Configure same spanning-tree mode as SW-B
/// if u check spanning-tree at SW-B using #show spanning-tree, u can find it's running RSTP[rapid stp]
--- SW-A(config)# spanning-tree mode rstp

3. Only SVI vlan 1 is to be configured and it is to use address / 24
/// ip address is not sure
--- SW-A(config)# interface vlan 1
--- SW-A(config-if)# ip add

4. Ensure that devices on SW-A can read devices behind Router
/// ip address is not sure
--- SW-A(config)# ip deafult-gateway
/// u have to check using PING command

5. ......
/// i can't remember question, and it's not sure
 - SW-A(config)# vtp mode server

Requirements for SW-B
1. use non proprietary mode of aggregation and SW-B will be active
--- SW-A(config)# int ra fa0/3 - 4
--- SW-A(config-if-range)# channel-protocol lacp
--- SW-A(config-if-range)# channel-group 1 mode active

--- SW-B(config)# int ra fa0/3 - 4
--- SW-B(config-if-range)# channel-protocol lacp
--- SW-B(config-if-range)# channel-group 1 mode passive

2. make spanning-tree root vlan 1,21,22,23 and other vlans remain default priority
--- SW-B(config)# spanning-tree vlan 1,21-23 root primary
/// and u have to check this #show spanning-tree
/// i did like this, it's just my opinion

3. .......
/// i can't remember question.
 - SW-B(config)# vtp mode transparent

Requirements for Trunk
1. use non-proprietary trunking mode
--- SW-A(config)# int port-channel 1
--- SW-A(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
--- SW-A(config-if)# switchport mode trunk

--- SW-B(config)# int port-channel 1
--- SW-B(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
--- SW-B(config-if)# switchport mode trunk

2. .... other access vlans need to be tagged when traversing the trunk link
/// u can find vlan 99 on SW-B, so u have to create vlan 99 at SW-A and make it native vlan

--- SW-A(config)# vlan 99
--- SW-A(config)# int port-channel 1
--- SW-A(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 99

--- SW-B(config)# int port-channel 1
--- SW-B(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 99

3. .................. trunk allowd vlans...
/// i can't remember question
--- SW-A(config)# int port-channel 1
--- SW-A(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,21-23

--- SW-B(config)# int port-channel 1
--- SW-B(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,21-23

maybe there are another things to do, but i can't remember whole things.

and i have other things to tell u.
do not trust PACKET TRACER... it's just simulator. there is a problem if u practice this sim

look at this

can u see that? fa0/3 - 4 is aggregated to Portchannel 1 but what's that?! it's packet tracer bug.

This is real Switch Cisco Catalyst 3560. this is for preparing my tshoot exam.

In conclusion, If u aggregated some interfaces and make trunking, u can't find aggregating interfaces(fa0/x,fa0/y) at trunking information(#show interface trunk).


if you get this log message when u configured, find it !!!  native vlan must match at trunking link!!
this log message saying this switch's native vlan is 1 and attached switch's native vlan is 99.
in this case, u have to correct native vlan at this swtich( make it 99 )
%CDP-4-NATIVE_VLAN_MISMATCH: Native VLAN mismatch discovered on Port-channel 1 (1), with switchB Port-channel 1 (99).

#show run
#show interface trunk
#show etherchannel summary

This is my Switch -642-813 Results, so........maybe i was right

Implement VLAN based solution, given a network design and a set of requirements                                         94%
Implements a Security Extension of a Layer 2 solution, given a network design and a set of requirements    100%
Implement Switch based Layer 3 services, given a network design and a set of requirements                      100%
Prepare infrastructure to support advanced services                                                                                      100%
Implement High Availability, given a network design and a set of requirements                                               100%

lastly... if u have any question, comment here or send e-mail,then i will reply it ASAP.